Written by: FPA Info Section | Published: February 15, 2021

To evaluate the agency’s accomplishments for the FY 2019 and to set up plans for FY 2020, the Planning, Management and and Information Division (PMID) facilitated the conduct of Year-End National Conference held at the FPA Central Office Function Hall.
The activity kicked-off through the presentation of the Salient Features of Revised Fertilizer Regulatory Policies and Implementing Guidelines by FRD Chief Julieta Lansangan, and of the Pesticide Regulatory Policies and Implementing Guidelines by Deputy Executive Director for Pesticide Eric Divinagracia, and the discussion of the Revised Citizen’s Charter by FOCU Supervising Agriculturist Suzettie Alcaide.
The next day, Elizabeth Ramiro, FAD Chief, together with OIC-Budget Officer Genalyn Guardiano, presented the Financial Performance Review and Presentation of the FY 2020 Budget Based on NEP.
Afterwards, all the FPA Regional Offices presented their Physical Performance Review covering January to November 2019.
On the third day, a field inspection training course and a knowledge sharing with the industry was organized to enable the FPA Regional and Provincial Officers to update their knowledge on the emerging practices for pesticide management.
A discussion on the pesticide regulatory practices in the State of California, United States, was delivered by Alexander Lagman, an environmental scientist from the Department of Pesticide Regulation, Central Regional Office of Clovis, California.
Other lectures included Pesticide Residues, Toxicology and Maximum Residue Limits by Eric John Cruz, a licensed chemist and Head of Pesticide Management Division of the National Crop Protection Center – University of the Philippines Los Baños, Occupational Health and Safety by FPA Evaluator Dr. Wernher Bautista, and Product Stewardship Program by Joel Rosario of CropLife.
On the last day, the FPA employees have undergone orientation on the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 11032 otherwise known as Ease on Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery (EODB-EGSD) with ARTA Representative Jaifreed Cabangal who served as the resource person. He shared about the prescribed processing time of government services, automatic approval, reengineering of systems and procedures, accountability of heads of offices/agencies, citizen’s charter, and the penalties under the act.
In the afternoon, a lecture on Basic Photography and Social Media Management was facilitated by the Information Unit to capacitate the FUs in properly documenting their field activities, and observing effective content sharing online.
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team