#WEcanbeEquALL: FPA joins call for gender equality and inclusive society – The Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority continues to advocate gender equality as it joined the month-long observance of the National Women’s Month in March 2023.
With the theme “WE for Gender Equality and Inclusive Society”, the Agency through the FPA Gender and Development Focal Point System (FPA-GADFPS) has once again conducted various activities to promote the empowerment of women, not just in the workplace, but in the community.
The culminating activity was held on 31 March 2023 with the awarding of winners for the Juana Be Fit Challenge and FPA Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) Tournament.
Juana Be Fit Challenge
• Group Winner: Office of the Executive Director (OED)
• Individual Winner (Men): Loinel Jan Daneen O. Maribojoc (PRD)
• Individual Winner (Women): Ricajen T. Datuin (FAD)
FPA Mobile Legends Bang Bang
• Champion: PowerPuff FAD
• 1st Runner Up: OED/FOCU Cuties
Juana Be Fit aimed to encourage a healthy lifestyle among employees by challenging them to achieve desired Body Mass Index (BMI) for a month. It was a team challenge participated by each of the Divisions at the FPA Central Office.
On the other hand, the FPA MLBB Tournament showcased the capabilities of women employees to rise as active players and enthusiasts in related male-dominated fields such as E-Sports. Six teams joined the battle arena including PaLaMID, savageLAB, MLBB-AGENTS, Bis-Daks, OED/FOCU Cuties and PowerPuffFAD.
The agency had earlier joined the International Women’s Day on March 8 through the ‘Serbisyo Para Kay Juana’. During the occasion, OIC Executive Director Julieta Lansangan highlighted FPA’s contribution to building a gender-sensitive community as women take most of the leadership roles in FPA.
“The FPA has always been an active supporter of our national government in its endeavor towards an inclusive society. As such, we can see that most of the Division Chiefs and Supervisors of FPA are women, a proof that not only men can lead, but also women,” OIC Lansangan said.
Other related activities conducted included the promotion of the #WEcanbeEquALL social media campaign as employees used the customized frame in their Facebook profiles; display of campaign banners, cutouts, and posters in visible office areas; Purple Wednesdays (wearing of purple outfits every Wednesdays), and CineJuana (a showcase of movies promoting women rights), among others. ###
Written by: Ivan P. Layag | Published: 04 April 2023
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team