What is Freedom of Information or FOI?

Freedom of Information (FOI) is the government’s response to the call for transparency and full public disclosure of information. FOI is a government mechanism, which allows Filipino citizens to request any information about the government transactions and operations, provided that it shall not put into jeopardy privacy and matters of national security.

The FOI mechanism for the Executive Branch is enabled via Executive Order No. 2, series of 2016.

What is eFOI 

eFOI is the online FOI platform that is available to select agencies, providing an alternative avenue for Filipinos to file their requests for information.

The FOI rules and exceptions also apply to the eFOI platform. 

What is Executive Order No. 2 S. 2016? 

Executive Order No. 2 (EO 2) is the enabling order for FOI. EO 2 operationalizes in the Executive Branch the People’s Constitutional right to information. EO 2 also provides the State policies to full public disclosure and transparency in the public service.

EO 2 is an important enabling mechanism to promote transparency in the government’s administrative process. Through FOI, citizens are empowered to make a formal request to get information held by the government, barring certain sensitive and important data related to the nation’s security. FOI complements continuing proactive information disclosure efforts where agencies are duty-bound to publish information in the spirit of openness and transparency.

FOI is an integral element President Duterte’s Good Governance Plan aligned to reforms and initiatives that pursue greater transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in governance. EO 2 was signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on July 23, 2016.

Download the FOI Request form here: FOI Request form

Download the FPA-FOI People’s Manual here: People’s Manual

Download the FPA-FOI Agency Manual  here: Agency Manual

For more information go to the eFOI Portal: https://www.foi.gov.ph/

FPA-FOI One Page Manual: English | Filipino