QUEZON CITY | April 7, 2022 – To promote and implement the Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS) program of the Department of Agriculture (DA), Management and Working Committees were created and approved on April 5, 2022 (DA Special Order no. 286 s 2022).
BFS is one of the program of DA to address the rising cost of fertilizers, improve soil health, and increase crop productivity and farmers’ income through site-specific nutrient management. This means the application of plant nutrients in optimum quantities in the right proportion through the appropriate methods at the time suited for a specific crop and agro-climatic conditions (DA Memorandum Circular no. 20 s. 2020).
The Program Management Committee (PMC) is chaired by Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Executive Director Wilfredo Roldan, co-chaired by Bureau of Soils and Waste Management (BSWM) Director Pablo Montalla, and Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) Director Rosana Mula. Members of the committee are Bureau of Agricultural Research Director Junel Soriano, Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering Director Ariodear Rico, Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Standards (BAFS) Director Vivencio Mamaril, Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) Director George Culaste, Field Operations Service (FOS) Director Bernadette San Juan, Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) Director Dionisio Alvindia, Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) Executive Director John De Leon, Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) Deputy Administrator Ignacio Santillana, Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) Deputy Administrator Ramon Rivera, National Tobacco Administration (NTA) Deputy Administrator Cesario Sembrana, and FPA Deputy Executive Director Myer Mula.
The PMC is expected to:
- Facilitate convergence and coordination among the involved agencies, partners and other concerned stakeholders in support to BFS technology;
- Mainstream BFS technology in all related program;
- Monitor and evaluate the progress and accomplishments, and recommend policies to be adopted to ensure successful implementation
- Submit reports to DA secretary regarding the updates, milestones, and appropriate technical and policy recommendation to support BFS
On the other hand, the Technical Working Committee (TWC) was created to:
- Prepare DA implementing guidelines of BFS technology for nationwide adoption,
- Assist the policy-making body in setting the standards and recommendations for implementation of BFS,
- Oversee the development of BFS policy options relative to fertilizer watch system,
- Consolidate, analyze, and interpret data gathered and develop a database on the performance of BFS,
- Provide recommendations on adjustment towards Adaptive BFS;
- Create a monitoring system to assure the quality and quantity of fertilizers as well as the database for posting on the BFS;
- Conduct quarterly assessment of BFS implementation i.e., crop production, fertilizer use and availability, and market;
- Enhance capacities of the agricultural sector on BFS through the conduct of training and information dissemination activities; and,
- Each agency/office shall create its own coordination and implementation team and perform its functions, as stated below, for the successful implementation of BFS.
The TWC is headed by Dr. Myer Mula of FPA and co-headed by Assistant Director Joell Lales of BAR. Members include ATI Director Rosana Mula, BAFE Engr. Janice Vargas, BAFS Joeve Calleja, BPI Samuel Fontanilla, BSWM Assistant Director Gina Nilo, PhilMech Assistant Director Ronaldo Sebastian Reyes, PhilRice Jovino De Dios, and FOS Vener Dilig.
Under the TWC, the role of FPA is to:
- Monitor the prices and sources of fertilizers;
- Provide the list of registered fertilizers, licensed handlers, product name, target crops, plant growth stage, and direction for use/application; and
- Provide database of available fertilizers per region.
FPA’s role in promoting BFS has been intensified as evident with the constant visitation and meet-ups with local farmers in different regions by Dr. Mula and the FPA Regional Units (RFUs). ###
DA Special Order No. 295 S. 2022, AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL ORDER NO. 286, SERIES OF 2022, “Creation of Management and Working Committees for the Promotion and Implementation of Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFSJ”.
DA Special Order No. 286 S. 2022, Creation of Management and Working Committees for the Promotion and Implementation of Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS).
DA Memorandum Order No. 74 S. 2021, Sustaining Farm Productivity, Scaling Balanced Fertilization Using Fertilizer More Effectively, Applying Cost – Reducing Practices and Diversifying to Increase Income.
DA Memorandum Circular No. 20 S. 2020, Adoption of the Adaptive Balanced Fertilization Management for Enhanced Crop Production and Increased Income for Rice Farmers.
Written by: Wendycharlene B. Almasen | Published: 7 April 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team