QUEZON CITY, February 23, 2022 – In coordination with the Civil Service Commission (CSC), the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) capacitates its supervisory officers for improved management of subordinates in a virtual orientation on performance monitoring and coaching held on February 17 to 18, 2022.
The workshop is part of the Learning and Development Program of FPA for the year to improve leadership and coaching skills of supervisors to improve the productivity of their staff.
“True leaders create more leaders,” Deputy Executive Director Eric Divinagracia shared. He added, “Leadership is an action, not a position.”
The resource speaker, Director Fe Lacaba of the Civil Service Commission, imparted the effective monitoring tools and coaching approaches. The participants were able to apply their learnings through a role-playing activity.
She ended her lecture with an advice on effective coaching: “Remember the GROW approach. Set a Goal, but make sure to look deep into the Reality of your subordinates. Develop several Options to address the problem and help them find a Way forward.
Written by: Maria Theresa B. Oliveros | Published: 3 March 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team