Nabunturan, Davao de Oro | June 10, 2022 – FPA RFU XI attended the 2nd Provincial Agriculture and Fisheries Council (PAFC) on May 24, 2022 to address the questions on the alarming price rise in fertilizer. This was held in the Provincial Capitol Compound of Cabidianan, Nabunturan with twenty-four (24) attendees.
Provincial Officer (PO) Rustom Gain Tanduyan led the presentation regarding the reasons for the sky-rocketing prices of fertilizer. In his discussion, he highlighted that the global fertilizer crisis is due to the rising prices of fuel, the Ukraine-Russian conflict, and the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, most fertilizer exporting countries prioritize their local distribution over exportation.
Then, he introduced the Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS) as an alternative way to lessen the dependence on imported and inorganic fertilizers. The BFS is a program established by the Department of Agriculture which pushes for the use of combined organic and inorganic inputs and other forms of strategy to attain the maximum potential of farmlands while promoting balanced fertilization in maintaining soil fertility. Mr. Tanduyan cited the use of cover cropping or green manuring, individual farmer soil fertility map, improved cropping systems, etc.
He stressed the need to apply the 4Rs in fertilization: Right source, Right Placement, Right amount, and Right rate. This shall enhance soil health and productivity, prevent the decline in soil fertility, and improve fertilizer availability and costs.
“We are encouraging our partners, especially from the municipal sectors, to spread the BFS program to the farmers in their area. We are always ready to assist anyone willing to learn and apply BFS,” Mr. Tanduyan said.
The participants were then given info materials regarding the price increase and BFS.
Written by: Rustom Gain Tanduyan | Published: 13 June 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team