May 19, 2024 | Cagayan de Oro City – The Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Northern Mindanao along with Deputy Executive Director for Fertilizer (DEDF) Dr. Myer G. Mula, conducted fertilizer quality and standard weight monitoring for the different manufacturers, distributors, plantation warehouse and dealers in Cagayan de Oro City, and Bukidnon on May 13-15, 2024.
The initiative, aimed at ensuring farmers’ productivity, sought to evaluate the fertilizer landscape and devise new policies for enhancement by addressing pertinent issues and concerns related to fertilizer operations.
Out of 1,499 fertilizer bags of the different brands from the different fertilizer companies, 544 bags fell below the standard weight of 50kg per bag. The results raise concerns about potential impacts on farmers’ productivity if left unaddressed, as fertilizer recommendations are typically based on a standard weight of 50kg per hectare. Further, fertilizer samples were also collected from the manufacturers for confirmatory analysis to ensure their quality and the percentage of the nutrients indicated on the label of the product.
Dr. Mula underscored the agency’s commitment to enhancing farm productivity in alignment with national objectives for food security. He emphasized the crucial role of fertilizer as a vital input in supporting plant nutrition, stressing the importance of supplying it in adequate quantities and following correct application procedures.
Moreover, inspections were conducted at fertilizer manufacturing plants to check the production process flow, which is fundamental to ensuring the quality of end products. Recommendations were put forth to maintain and improve quality standards, including the establishment of laboratory tests for essential nutrients like NPK, provision of digital weighing scales, proper folding and sealing of fertilizer bags, and implementation of safety measures such as perimeter fences, signage, and fire exits.
FPA issued a call for unity among fertilizer stakeholders to uphold the quality of fertilizers, emphasizing their commitment to serving the needs of valued end-users, the farmers. ###
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team