QUEZON CITY | June 21, 2022 – The Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) is granted with the FY 2020 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) after the agency was validated as compliant with the requirements and qualifications set by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information, and Reporting Systems.
The IATF commended the FPA management and staff for their significant contributions to strengthening the Agency’s organizational and employee performance and delivery of goods and services to the public.
The PBB is awarded to those agencies compliant with the following measurements: good governance, streamlining and process improvement, support to operations (STO), general and support services (GASS), freedom of information (FOI), and other cross-cutting requirements.
Under the Good Governance Conditions, the FPA was found compliant with Transparency Seal, PhilGEPS Posting, and the Citizen’s Charter.
For the 2020 Physical Target, FPA met the streamlining and process improvement required. Eighty-three (83) services were declared in the Agency’s Citizen’s Charter and 16 were reported as non-frontline services. The Agency managed to reduce process flow, required documents, and turnaround time for most of its services. However, the IATF asked FPA to review its fees and other transaction costs charged to clients for possible reduction. FPA was also encouraged to further digitize its initiatives by developing new online systems and improving contactless transactions for faster and more efficient public service delivery.
FPA was also validated for the 2020 STO and GASS requirements including Quality Management System (QMS). According to the IATF, FPA was also able to obligate 93.72% of its Budget Utilization Rate (BUR) with 88.05% actual accomplishment for Disbursement BUR as reported by DBM BMB-E last March 22, 2021.
Lastly, the FPA was able to comply with the posting of agency review and compliance procedure of statement and financial disclosure, Freedom of Information (FOI), and posting of Agency’s System of Ranking Delivery Units as Cross-Cutting Requirements. ###
Written by: Wendycharlene B. Almasen | Published: 22 June 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team