DAVAO CITY | June 2, 2022 – FPA Regional Officer Marrisa Napalit and Provincial Officer Louie Palarao meet with DENR-Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) headed by Engr. Mario Bulacan, and Regional Director Abel James Monteagudo of DA Regional Field Office 13 to discuss the disposal of empty pesticide containers (EPC).
The FPA promotes the triple rinsing of EPC to ensure the safety of all its handlers. Triple rinsing is applicable for those small holder farmers who do not have mechanical rinsing equipment. It has three stages:
- Empty the container of its contents into the mixing tank and drain for 30 seconds;
- Rinse the container at least 3 times with a volume of water not less than 10% of the container’s total volume; and,
- Add the rinsate each time to the mixing tank
A rinsate is a pesticide-containing liquid which is a result from rinsing a pesticide container, pesticide equipment, or other pesticide-containing materials (Pesticide Regulatory Policies and Implementing Guidelines).
Pesticide dealers are the primary collection points of properly rinsed EPC. Then, they will be sent to the nearest DENR-EMB accredited waste generator like the Local Government Units (LGU), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) or private sectors that are compliant with the provisions of Republic Act 6969. Though the disposal is under the DENR-EMB’s jurisdiction, the FPA continuously monitor the activity. In addition, pesticide handlers must submit a report regarding their EPC management activities to the FPA in compliance with Pesticide Regulatory Policies and Implementing Guidelines.
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority. (2020). Pesticide Regulatory Policies and Implementing Guidelines. https://fpa.da.gov.ph/NW/index.php/about-us/manual/green-book
Written by: Rustom Gain Tanduyan | Published: 14 June 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team