DAVAO DEL SUR | June 28, 2022 – Thirty-eight (38) mango contractors and growers attended the third wave of FPA Davao Region’s (RFU 11) Mango Contractors Training held at the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) Function Hall Bldg., Office of the Provincial Agriculturist Compound, Digos City, Davao del Sur.
The training is designed to lecture handlers on the correct use of potassium nitrate as a mango flower inducer and develop an awareness of the safe and judicious use of fertilizers and pesticides.
PO Napalit discussed the Presidential Decree (P.D.) 1144, including the creation, duties, responsibilities, and rules & regulations of FPA. “FPA was created to regulate fertilizer importation, manufacture, formulation, distribution, delivery, sale, transport and storage as well as pesticide labeling, distribution, storage, transportation, use, and disposal”, Napalit emphasized.
PO Rustom Gain Tanduyan tackled the Executive Order (E.O.) 522 of the PNP-FEO, M.C. 93-05 covering the FPA rules and regulations governing the mango industry, and acquisition of use of nitrates. He explained that Potassium Nitrate (KNO₃) has inherent qualities beneficial to flower-inducing for mango and other crops. However, KNO₃ and other nitrates are substances which are found to be potentially carcinogenic and can be used for explosives. Therefore, importation, sale, possession and use of these chemicals are restricted and subject to strict supervision by the Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO) of the Philippine National Police (PNP).
Lastly, PO Imelda Rasay discussed the recognition & first aid management of pesticide poisoning cases. She reminded the participants that wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can reduce contact to poison or other harmful chemicals of pesticides. PO Rasay also cited some signs and symptoms of pesticide poisoning:
- General – extreme weakness and fatigue
- Skin – irritation, burning, excessive sweating, staining
- Eyes – itching, burning, watering, difficult or blurred vision, narrowed, or widened pupils
- Digestive system – burning in the mouth and throat, extreme salivation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea
- Nervous system – headaches, dizziness, confusion, restlessness, muscle twitching, staggering gait, slurred speech, fits, unconsciousness
- Respiratory system – cough, chest pain and tightness, difficulty in breathing, wheezing
When applying first aid, the following should be kept in mind:
- Speed is essential
- Act calmly and methodologically
- Avoid contamination of oneself while attending to the victim
- Keep the patient calm and strictly at rest
Ms. Rasay also discussed Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS) as an alternative measure to lessen the dependence on imported and inorganic fertilizers. BFS is OneDA’s response to the increasing fertilizer prices. It is the use of combined organic and inorganic inputs to attain the maximum potential of farmlands while maintaining soil fertility.
Agway Chemicals Corp. discussed the remaining technical topics, including plant nutrition, the correct use of mango flower inducer, cultural practices, insect pests, disease management, pesticide information, classification, safe use in mango production, Mode of Action (MOA) Classification, Insecticide Resistance Action Committees (IRAC) and Fungicide Resistance Action Committees (FRAC).
The newly trained participants will be eligible to apply for a License to Operate (LTO). ###
Written by: Rustom Gain Tanduyan | Published: 04 July 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team