April 15, 2024 | Toledo City, Cebu – To ensure that product registration protocols are strictly followed by the industry, the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Central Visayas, together with the FPA’s Deputy Executive Director for Fertilizer (DEDF) Dr. Myer G. Mula, monitored the Biological Efficacy Data Generation conducted by an FPA Accredited Researcher in Barangay Talavera, Toledo City, Cebu on April 15, 2024
During the trial inspection, the team was briefed on the treatment details of the experiment. Recommendations were made based on the crop stage and prevailing weather conditions. It was advised that irrigation is essential, particularly for shallow-rooted crops like rice during the critical milking stage. Alongside this advice, suggestions were provided for documenting the experiment through pictures and gathering essential data to assess the product’s effectiveness.
Products such as biostimulants are required to undergo bioefficacy testing as a mechanism to support claims of registrants on the effectiveness of a fertilizer to supply the major and minor nutrients needed by plants for growth and reproduction.
The FPA’s effort in monitoring biological efficacy experiments underscores its commitment to ensuring the efficacy and reliability of agricultural products. Such initiatives are vital for maintaining the integrity of agricultural practices and fostering sustainable growth in the agricultural sector. ###
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team