QUEZON CITY | June 02, 2022 – The Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA), in coordination with the FPA Employees Association (FPAEA), celebrated Employees’ Day on 27 May 2022 via virtual platform with the theme, “KaFPAmilya at 45: Balancing Personal and Workplace Well-Being by Empowering Mental Health to Boost Employee Productivity”. The activity was participated by all officials, regular employees, and Contract of Service (COS) Personnel.
During the morning session, Dr. Kenneth Kristofferson Europa, a Medical Specialist of the National Center for Mental health delivered a presentation regarding Mental Health Program Awareness. He discussed ways to understand and appreciate the concept of mental wellness and mental illness, learn how to cope with or address mental health problems, especially during the time of the CoViD-19 pandemic, and learn practical skills in dealing with stress. Dr. Europa also explained how to deal with a person or co-employee having a mental health problem and discussed the government programs and efforts to help Filipinos deal with their mental health problems.
After his talk, Ms. Jonsie Baysa, Human Resource Section Chief, presented the composition of the Agency’s Mental Health Program Committee by virtue of S.O No. 74 series of 2022, Creation of the Mental Health Program Committee and some Mental Health Programs of some government offices.
For the afternoon session, Mr. Marlon C. Molmisa, President of the MZone Training Services talked about Work-Life Balance. He gave an interactive discussion about how to transition from having a work-life balance to work-life harmony and ultimately achieve work-life integration in the future. Being the ultimate goal, he mainly discussed how to integrate work and life via Purpose, Power, Policies, Programs, People, and Productivity (6Ps).
Ms. Mirasol Bacarisas, FPAEA Treasurer, followed with an update about the financial performance of FPAEA for FY 2021. Ms. Bacarisas emphasized in her presentation the statement of financial performance, wherein the association incurred an excess of revenue over expenses of Php 12,505.69 and a deficit of Php 8,938.94 for the period ended December 2021 and May 2022, respectively. She also stated that as a form of support for the 45th anniversary of the Agency, the association would pledge Php10,000.00 for games and prizes.
FPA Executive Director Wilfredo Roldan stated, “In this time of pandemic, when everything is changing, it is essential for all FPA employees to take a moment to learn more about themselves and maintain a healthy perspective in life.”
Written by: Rachelle Almoite | Published: 06 June 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team