TAGUM CITY, DAVAO DEL NORTE | December 6, 2022 – Sixty-eight (68) attendees from the Fertilizer and Pesticide Dealers Association of Davao Inc. (FAPDADI) were gathered to benefit from the Accredited Safety Dispenser (ASD) Refresher Course Program of the FPA Davao Region. The activity was held in FAPDADI’s year-end General Assembly at Basilio’s Place, San Miguel, Tagum City on December 6, 2022.
Different fertilizer and pesticide dealer members attended the said event, together with Deputy Executive Director for Pesticide Eric C. Divinagravia, Regional Officer Marrisa G. Napalit, Provincial Officers (PO) Junette Cano, Rustom Gain Tanduyan and Cheery B. Agrade.
PO Agrade, the association’s adviser, started the refresher course by presenting the FPA updates and reminded the participants to be vigilant about the proliferation of fake and off-spec fertilizers and pesticides in the market. In addition, as a form of review, she discussed with the dealers the basic practices of a safety dispenser, such as checking the proper pesticide labeling since mislabeled products were also increasing in the market. She reminded them to check their shelf life and observe proper disposal of expired products, as well as the proper repacking procedures of fertilizers into different kilogram bags. She emphasized the importance of randomly weighing the fertilizer bags before accepting the products from their suppliers.
Lastly, PO Rustom Gain Tanduyan talked through the proper handling and storage of fertilizer, as this was a common violation in every store. At the same time, Syngenta’s Product Stewardship Manager Catherine Sumagaysay promoted awareness of the safe use of crop protection products, IRAC, FRAC, and HRAC. A Christmas program was experienced at the latter part of the assembly.
FAPDADI was the first to receive an ASD refresher course in the Davao region. RO Napalit stressed the significance of this initiative since there was a need to update the safety dispensers, especially on the standard operating procedures at the store, FPA memoranda, and awareness of fake and off-specs agricultural inputs. In addition, like in the ASD training, the attendees re-visited the agency’s primer, licensing, and regulatory procedures.
The association was created to establish a strong network of all dealers in the province, especially in the information dissemination of FPA Updates, campaigns, thorough communication with the local government and the stakeholders, and social and welfare programs for the members. Currently, the association has a total of 150 active members to date and continues to grow. ###
Written by: Rustom Gain Tanduyan | Published: 12 December 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team