DA, FPA connects with FIAP on Increasing Fertilizer Prices

November 19, 2021 | Quezon City – The Department of Agriculture (DA), the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) and the Fertilizer Industry Association of the Philippines (FIAP) convened via zoom virtual meeting on November 17, 2021 to tackle rising fertilizer prices. FIAP is an association composed of 19 fertilizer manufacturing and importing companies. The meeting was led continue reading : DA, FPA connects with FIAP on Increasing Fertilizer Prices


Quezon City, November 11, 2021. The Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) recognizes the ongoing plight of local farmers relative to the hike in fertilizer prices. With increased farm production expenses (vis-à-vis increased fertilizer prices) comes reduction of profit margins. Why are the prices of fertilizers increasing? Can FPA control the prices? As an explanation, FPA attributes continue reading : RISING FERTILIZER PRICES: A Reality