Implementation of 60% On-site Reporting to Office

Office Order No. 2021-43
Five Days Forced/Mandatory Leave for CY 2022

Office Order No. 2021-41
Implementation of 100% On-site Reporting

Office Order No. 2021-39
Area of Assignment of Mr. Abraham E. Ligan, Agriculturist II, Caraga

Office Order No. 2021-38
Reconstitution of the Agency Screening Committee (ASC) for the Certification of Eligibility of FPA S&T Personnel under Republic Act No. 8439 as Amended by Republic Act 11312

Office Order No. 2021-37
Amendment of Office Order No. 25, Series of 2021

Office Order No. 2021-36
Amendment of Office Order No. 24, Series of 2021

Office Order No. 2021-34
Guidelines for the Grant of FY 2021 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB)

Office Order No. 2021-31
Guidelines on Review and Compliance Procedure for the Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN)

Office Order No. 2021-29
Monthly Communication Allowance (MCA) for FPA Officials and Authorized Personnel