Reconstitution of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)

Office Order No. 2023-17
Policies on Flexible Work Arrangement in the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority

Office Order No. 2023-16
Designation of Alternate Authorized Signatory for Field Operations Coordination Unit (FOCU)

Office Order No. 2023-15
Implementation of the Approved Records Retention and Disposition Schedule

Office Order No. 2023-14
Reconstitution of Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC)

Office Order No. 2023-13
Reconstitution of the Designation of Data Protection Officer (DPO) or Compliance Officer for Privacy (COP) and the Privacy Focal Persons

Office Order No. 2023-12
Reassignment of Two (2) Contract of Service (COS) Personnel Under the Finance and Administrative Division (FAD) of Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)

Office Order No. 2023-11
Grievance Machinery in the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)

Office Order No. 2023-10
Creation of the Quality Circle and the Technical Working Group for the Product Registration Process Re-Engineering

Office Order No. 2023-09
Amendment of Office Order No. 34 Series of 2022