Designation of the Authorized Users of the FPA Trade System for the Licensing of Fertilizer Handlers

Office Order No. 2024-03
Reconstitution of the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART)

Office Order No. 2024-02
Guideline on Review and Compliance Procedure for the Submission of the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN)

Office Order No. 2024-01
Creation of FPA Privacy Management Committee and Amendment of Office Order No. 13 Series of 2023

Office Order No. 2023-23
Submission of Revised Citizen’s Charter 2023

Office Order No. 2023-22
Reconstitution of the Agency Screening Committee (ASC) for the Certification of Eligibility of FPA S&T Personnel Under Republic Act No. 8439 as Amended by Republic Act 11312

Office Order No. 2023-21
Guidelines on Review and Compliance Procedure for the Submission of the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN)

Office Order No. 2023-20
Internal Guidelines for Field Personnel Travel Expense Allocation

Office Order No. 2023-19-01
Drug-Free Workplace Policies in the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)

Office Order No. 2023-19
Reconstitution of the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Bids and Awards Committee