LEYTE | June 22, 2022 – Provincial Officer (PO) Eric Castañas promoted the Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS) during the training on “Capacitating Agriculture Extension Workers (AEW) on Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) with an emphasis on Rice Farming” organized by the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) last June 20, 2022 at Villaconzoilo Farm, Jaro, Leyte.
Thirty-one (31) AEWs from various provinces in Region VIII, including Municipal Agriculturists and Agricultural Technicians, attended the training.
PO Castañas started his lecture by explaining the reasons behind the fertilizer price hike:
- Liberalization of Fertilizer Industry – In 1986, FPA relinquished its control over the procurement of fertilizer;
- Philippines as an importer of fertilizer – 90% of fertilizer are imported from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, Canada, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, and others. Only 10% supplies are taken from our local manufacturers like Philphos and Atlas;
- Higher global demand – USA, Australia, Brazil, India, and China required more fertilizer thus local distribution was prioritized. They were also able to bid earlier for fertilizer as their demands are higher than that of our country;
- Increase in price of raw materials – Prices of sulfur, natural gas, and other raw materials for fertilizer have also increased according to the World Bank as of 2021;
- Increase in transportation and logistics cost – Oil and fuel prices kept rising, COVID-19 restrictions also limited our access with certain countries. And the cost of transportation from the country of origin down to the local dealers are also increasing.
With the rising prices of fertilizers, the BFS Program is seen as a solution on the optimum use and combination of inorganic fertilizer and organic materials while ensuring that the appropriate nutrients is being sustained to the crops. This will assure good production while preserving the nutrients and improving soil structures.
This alternative technique of fertilization has given hope to many participants of the event. They hoped to apply BFS in their rice farming and will share the knowledge learned to other agricultural workers as well. ###
Written by: Claudette Mae C. Terciño | Published: 23 June 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team