Authority to attend in the ladderized training on project development for agriculture and fisheries rural development

Special Order No. 2024-117
Authority of Mr. Gabriel B. Atole and Engr. Christopher M. Nuñez to act as resource persons in the training of trainers (TOT) on pest and nutrient management

Special Order No. 2024-113
Additional designation for the Regional Field Unit III personnel

Special Order No. 2024-115
Designation of Mr. Mark Nicky S. Larga, Supervising Agriculturist, as special collecting officer (SCO) and as special disbursing officer (SDO)

FPA Memorandum Circular No. 2024-10
Temporary suspension of acceptance of request for analysis using liquid chromatography (LC) method in the Laboratory Services Division (LSD)

Special Order No. 2024-116
Grant of loyalty cash award and other monetary and non-monetary rewards for the year 2024

Special Order No. 2024-112
Authority to attend in the workshop for the PBSAP – agriculture theme

Special Order No. 2024-110
Designation of Mr. Marl Louie G. Seminiano, Agriculturist II, as special collecting officer (SCO)

FPA Memorandum Circular No. 2024-09
Restoration of Mr. Eric C. Divinagracia to Deputy Executive Director for Pesticide of the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)

Special Order No. 2024-064
Authority to Attend in the Feedbacking Workshop on the FY 2023 Updating of the DA’s Public Investment Program (2023-2028) and Three-Year Rolling Infrastructure Program (2025-2027)