BAUANG, LA UNION | September 27, 2022 – Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Regional Field Unit I conducted an Accredited Safety Disperser (ASD) training on fertilizers and pesticides (F/P) to 111 attendees in Bauang, La Union, on September 22-23, 2022.
During the training, Regional Officer (RO) Joseph Andre John O. Martinez introduced the Agency and its function, as well as the prohibitions governing the sales and use of F/P and its legal basis. He emphasized that licensed dealers should be responsible partners in providing quality F/P products to farmers and shall not patronize fake, off-specs, or ineffective fertilizers to protect the interests of the farmers and the industry.
Further, RO Martinez informed them of the current situation of the local fertilizer industry and the reasons for the fertilizer price hike.
The other topics discussed in the training were general information on F/P, proper handling and storage practices, safe and judicious use of agricultural inputs, good housekeeping, and first aid management in case of accidental pesticide poisoning.
RO Martinez also encouraged the participants to adopt the Balance Fertilization Strategy (BFS) program recommended by the Department of Agriculture to institutionalize the use of the combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizers and other strategies to attain the maximum potential yield of farmlands while maintaining soil structure and fertility.
BFS applies the concept of 4Rs in fertilization: Right Source, Right Placement, Right Amount, and Right Rate to help enhance soil health and productivity, prevent declining soil fertility and improve fertilizer availability and costs.
ASD training is a pre-requisite in securing an FPA license to operate as a dealer and aims to train store owners/proprietors, Individual Business Owners (IBOs) on the proper dispensing of F/P products.
The training was spearheaded by RO Joseph Andre John Martinez and Provincial Officers Melecio Choschos, John Mark Manangan, Medardo B. Santiago, and Noel M. Tablada. ###
Written by: Noel Tablada | Published: 29 September 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team