MASBATE CITY, MASBATE | October 19, 2022 – Forty-seven (47) mango farmers/growers attended the 1st Mango Contractor’s Training conducted by Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Bicol Region in collaboration with the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist – Masbate and Leads Agricultural Products Corporation on October 19, 2022 at Cherish Resort, JM Robredo Road, Espinosa, Masbate City.
FPA Regional Officer (RO) Gabriel B. Atole introduced to the participants the agency, Presidential Decree 1144, and the regulations governing the mango flower inducer contractors.
To further dive into the discussion, the resource person from Philippine National Police Masbate Provincial Firearms and Explosive Division and Canine Unit PSSG Ralph Jesus S. Huelva enlightened the participants on the regulations governing the acquisition and use of agricultural nitrates as stated in the Republic Act (RA) 9516. Mr. Huelva also sorted out the proper documents, licenses, and permits that the farmers need to handle and use agricultural nitrates.
In addition, Engr. Kent Reynard Muñoz, Mango Focal Person from the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist – Masbate, briefed the participants on the mango industry in Masbate and the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for mango production.
Leads Agri Assistant Vice President for Technical Mr. Sherwin Hermosa discussed plant nutrition, proper use of mango flower inducer, pest and disease management, and pesticide information and classification, as well as the safe and effective use of pesticides.
FPA Provincial Officer (PO) Rodny P. Conda later oriented the farmers on the recognition and first aid management of pesticide poisoning, and the mango contractor licensing requirements.
The mango contractor refers to a person or entities that enter into a contract with a mango grower to service his trees (from flower induction to harvesting) for a fee or on sharing basis. The FPA, as a regulatory agency, regulates the mango contractors in using the FPA-approved flower inducer and issues a License to Operate as a mango flower inducer contractor. Thus, one of the requirements is to attend this training.
To close out the training, RO Atole thanked the different mango stakeholders and emphasized the proper coordination, documentation, and compliance with the different rules and regulations governing the mango contractors. ###
Written by: Gabriel B. Atole | Published: 27 October 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team