SAMAL CITY, DAVAO DEL NORTE | September 30, 2022 – Twenty (20) participants from the Provincial Mango Research Extension Center (PMREC) attended the training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) held in Brgy. San Isidro, Babak, Island Garden City of Samal.
Provincial Agriculture’s Office of Davao del Norte organized the training, and Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) XI Regional Officer (RO) Marrisa G. Napalit and Provincial Officer (PO) Cheery B. Agrade served as resource speakers to discuss GAP.
GAP refers to the practices that address environmental, economic, and social sustainability for on-farm processes, resulting in safe and quality food and nonfood agricultural products (Republic Act No. 10611).
The discussion focused on the GAP’s modules on environmental management and workers’ health, safety, and welfare. They tackled the potential hazards or negative environmental impacts on and off the property due to the production, harvesting, and post-harvest handling of mangoes while pointing out steps for managing the risk of hazards.
Other topics discussed by speakers were the proper use and handling of agricultural inputs, proper wearing of PPEs, the importance of Pesticide Label information, including first aid management in case of accidental poisoning, Maximum Residue Limit (MRL), Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI), Re-entry Period, Empty Pesticide Container Triple-Rinsing, Disposal, etc.
The GAP Training is essential to these mango growers as part of their Farmer’s Field School of the Season-Long Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) on mango production in the city. ###
Photos: FPA Davao Region Facebook page
Written by: Rustom Gain Tanduyan | Published: 11 October 2022
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Online ISSN: 2815-1674
Published by the FPA Information and Communications Team