Planning, Management and Information Division (PMID)





The PMID is a support division created under the FPA’s approved Rationalization Plan to consolidate all plans from the different divisions, programs development, risk assessment and systems improvement coordination, and public information/ dissemination. Aside from the said activities, the PMID is in-charge of the methyl bromide related concerns as well as the accreditation activity of the FPA.

Based on the FPA’s Rationalization Plan, the following are the functions of the PMID:


  • Consolidate long-range and annual plans and programs of the FPA
  • Develop plans and programs for management improvement
  • Develop criteria for prioritizing plans, programs, projects and activities for funding
  • Coordinate with other divisions in the Authority, planning bodies, and other appropriate agencies
  • Examine the administrative organization of the FPA and review existing management methods, systems, processes/procedures and provide recommendations for improvement
  • Conduct regular management surveys of the organizational structure, manpower and operations, and study special problem/cases, if necessary
  • Develop new and improve management systems, and provide management supervision over the implementation of such improvements, as well as conduct trainings on the application of the system(s)
  • Develop staffing standards and manpower requirements of the Agency
  • Conduct regular and annual agency performance review
  • Prepare regular accomplishment reports
  • Plan, develop and implement an effective and efficient management information system, including the dissemination of updated fertilizer and pesticide industry information
  • Conduct information campaigns regarding the safe and judicious use of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Develop, produce and publish reports, documents, research results, technical bulletins and other information materialsManage the Agency databank
  • Operate and maintain the FPA website and library